39 research outputs found

    Vertidrome Design: State of the Art and Current Research

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    As one might expect Urban Air Mobility to be a brand-new topic, the approach of lifting (a portion of) urban traffic into the air is not really new. Helicopter operations and the hype about tiltrotor aircrafts at the end of the 20th century already built a path towards urban aerial ridesharing operations. Even if some developments remained theoretical at that time, a wide spectrum of research was conducted to elaborate the feasibility of this new transportation mode. Today, with technology far more advanced, we are closer to aerial urban transportation than ever before. But before UAM vehicles can take-off, we need to define places where this operation can be conducted as safe and efficient as possible in order to offer an affordable and competitive transportation mode. We started the Vertidrome Design research by conducting an extensive literature review to cover the global current state of the art. We focused on the review of current development processes regarding vertidromes; their designs, the regulatory framework which may come into question, procedures for approach and departure intends, and on the overall question of what does “on-demand” really mean. In addition, we identified unique characteristics of a vertidrome operation which will be faced by multiple stakeholders participating in the operation. Based on these insights, we defined a specific vertiport layout (LIEDT – linear independent expandable drive through) and defined a corresponding Concept of Operations (ConOps) which led us to the question how do we decide if a specific vertidrome design and ConOps satisfies all operational needs and reflects an optimum solution? To answer this question, we developed a level of service concept (VALoS) considering a vertidrome’s airside operation, its ConOps and the requirements of multiple stakeholders. Based on a specific demand distribution the vertidrome design can be evaluated by the VALoS framework, on behalf of all considered stakeholders. Since UAM vehicles are already progressing successfully, now, we need to develop insights, proposals and solutions addressing realistic vertidrome operations

    Vertidrome Airside Level of Service: Performance-Based Evaluation of Vertiport Airside Operations

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    Abstract: This paper presents the Vertidrome Airside Level of Service (VALoS) framework, a novel performance metric designed to evaluate airside traffic flow operations at vertidromes in the context of Urban Air Mobility (UAM). As the UAM industry rapidly evolves, the need for a comprehensive evaluation framework becomes increasingly important. The VALoS framework provides a performance-based approach to evaluating vertidrome traffic flow performance, considering metrics like average passenger delay, air taxi in-flight delay, and vertidrome punctuality. Unlike existing Level of Service approaches, the VALoS framework unifies the requirements of various stakeholders, the passenger, the air taxi operator, and the vertidrome operator each with their own performance metric and target. It provides a multi-faceted approach covering airside air and ground traffic flows, arrivals and departures, and performance changes during strategic planning and tactical execution phases. The VALoS is evaluated at 15-min intervals while considering changing stakeholder performance targets and operational uncertainties. For the reference use case, the study demonstrates the significant impact of short-term disruptions, while stochastic deviations can be neglected. Higher traffic volumes due to changing demand/capacity ratios result in higher VALoS variability. The VALoS framework, together with a fast-time simulation, provides a versatile method for exploring future vertidrome traffic flows and supporting strategic vertidrome airside planning and integration. This integrated approach is essential for the evolving UAM vertidrome industry; aligning the interests of different stakeholders and promoting sustainable and efficient vertidrome planning and operation

    Urban Air Mobility: Systematic Review of Scientific Publications and Regulations for Vertiport Design and Operations

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    Novel electric aircraft designs coupled with intense efforts from academia, government and industry led to a paradigm shift in urban transportation by introducing UAM. While UAM promises to introduce a new mode of transport, it depends on ground infrastructure to operate safely and efficiently in a highly constrained urban environment. Due to its novelty, the research of UAM ground infrastructure is widely scattered. Therefore, this paper selects, categorizes and summarizes existing literature in a systematic fashion and strives to support the harmonization process of contributions made by industry, research and regulatory authorities. Through a document term matrix approach, we identified 49 Scopus-listed scientific publications (2016–2021) addressing the topic of UAM ground infrastructure with respect to airspace operation followed by design, location and network, throughput and capacity, ground operations, cost, safety, regulation, weather and lastly noise and security. Last listed topics from cost onwards appear to be substantially under-represented, but will be influencing current developments and challenges. This manuscript further presents regulatory considerations (Europe, U.S., international) and introduces additional noteworthy scientific publications and industry contributions. Initial uncertainties in naming UAM ground infrastructure seem to be overcome; vertiport is now being predominantly used when speaking about vertical take-off and landing UAM operations

    Can Urban Air Mobility become reality? Opportunities, challenges and selected research results

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    Urban Air Mobility (UAM) is a new air transportation system for passengers and cargo in urban environments, enabled by new technologies and integrated into multimodal transportation systems. The vision of UAM comprises the mass use in urban and suburban environments, complementing existing transportation systems and contributing to the decarbonization of the transport sector. Initial attempts to create a market for urban air transportation in the last century failed due to lack of profitability and community acceptance. Technological advances in numerous fields over the past few decades have led to a renewed interest in urban air transportation. UAM is expected to benefit users and to also have a positive impact on the economy by creating new markets and employment opportunities for manufacturing and operation of UAM vehicles and the construction of related ground infrastructure. However, there are also concerns about noise, safety and security, privacy and environmental impacts. Therefore, the UAM system needs to be designed carefully to become safe, affordable, accessible, environmentally friendly, economically viable and thus sustainable. This paper provides an overview of selected key research topics related to UAM and how the German Aerospace Center (DLR) contributed to this research in the project "HorizonUAM - Urban Air Mobility Research at the German Aerospace Center (DLR)". Selected research results that support the realization of the UAM vision are briefly presented.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, project HorizonUA

    Urban Air Mobility Use Cases and Technology Scenarios for the HorizonUAM Project

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    Increasing urbanization and a growing need for mobility are pushing the transport infrastructure in many cities to its limits. Many different mobility solutions are being investigated to solve this problem. In addition to ground-based transportation, Urban Air Mobility (UAM) is discussed as a possible solution to create a new type of urban transport mode, which could fulfill different transport needs in several application fields. The cross-institutional and interdisciplinary research project "HorizonUAM - Urban Air Mobility Research at the German Aerospace Center (DLR)" brings together a wide variety of DLR departments to research on the vision of Urban Air Mobility. In order to coordinate the different research focuses of the project partners, it is necessary to create a common basis for the upcoming work. Therefore, five different use cases were defined. All use cases are selected in order to cover a broad spectrum of challenges for vehicles, safety, air traffic management, infrastructure and operations. In addition, different types of ground-based infrastructure (vertidromes) and their characteristic properties as well as two different concepts of operation (ConOps) for an on-demand and a scheduled UAM service are considered. For each use case and based on the ConOps, application-specific mission profiles, which form the basis for the design of the vehicles, are outlined. As the future of UAM also strongly depends on technological advances, a short-term (2025+) and a long-term (2050+) scenario capture the development of the most important fields of technology for UAM until 2050. Based on the defined use cases, missions and technology scenarios, various aspects regarding to technical feasibility, efficiency, sustainability, market development potential and social acceptance will be investigated in the course of the project